Take a look at the calendar and find activities and events to join. Meet your neighbors, laugh, play and enjoy Golden Palms.

We have coffee in the Clubhouse every morning. Stop by and have a cup before starting your day!

List View
  1Pickleball DailyPickleball DailyStarts at 8 am + Google calendar MahjongMahjongTime: 1:00 pm
Learn and play Mahjong Clubhouse + Google calendar
2Game NightGame NightTime: 6:30 pm
Clubhouse + Google calendar
3 4 5 6
7 8MahjongMahjongTime: 1:00 pm
Learn and play Mahjong Clubhouse + Google calendar
9Game NightGame NightTime: 6:30 pm
Clubhouse + Google calendar
10 11 12 13
14 15MahjongMahjongTime: 1:00 pm
Learn and play Mahjong Clubhouse + Google calendar
16Game NightGame NightTime: 6:30 pm
Clubhouse + Google calendar
17 18 19 20
21 22MahjongMahjongTime: 1:00 pm
Learn and play Mahjong Clubhouse + Google calendar
23Game NightGame NightTime: 6:30 pm
Clubhouse + Google calendar
24 25 26 27
28 29MahjongMahjongTime: 1:00 pm
Learn and play Mahjong Clubhouse + Google calendar
30Game NightGame NightTime: 6:30 pm
Clubhouse + Google calendar